What if you could start your own online eCommerce store and make money doing what you love? It might seem like a dream, but it’s 100% possible. Here are six ways to get started with your online eCommerce store, along with some suggestions on how to market your business so that you can sell as many products as possible!
What do you love?

If you’re thinking about starting your own online store, you might be feeling overwhelmed by all of your options. You want to make sure that your store reflects who you are and that it’s an extension of your brand. After all, it will be your Shopify stores and home on the internet – potential customers will be visiting there regularly! In order to do just that, ask yourself a few questions about what makes you unique: What do you love? What are you good at? Who would enjoy hearing about those things from you? It may sound cheesy, but knowing yourself really is one of THE most important steps toward building an online business from scratch! Read more…
Can you make it yourself?
Starting an online store can be fun and exciting, but there’s no reason to break a sweat—unless you want to! Making your own website is by far one of the easiest ways to get into eCommerce. Web design isn’t rocket science; if you know what you want your site to look like, chances are someone else already made it. If you’re going to sell stuff online and make money, a Shopify website will do just fine. But building your own site is a good way to start learning more about websites in general and gives you more control over design elements if that’s something that interests you.
Is it valuable?
Having your own web development company, specializing in eCommerce websites, will prove to be a lucrative venture. Additionally, you’ll have more control over your time and business. Building websites isn’t as difficult as it seems and there are many tools that can be used to get you started right away. If you have an idea for an online store but don’t know where to start with building it, it may be a good idea to seek out resources online or consider hiring an expert who can help turn your idea into reality. Even if you end up hiring someone else, knowing how web development works will give you insight into whether or not they’re doing their job properly.
Can you ship it?

A Web development company may not ship products for you, but they can give you valuable pointers on where to go to get your Shopify website and store up and running. If you know how to use HTML, CSS, PHP, or Javascript – which is essential if you want to customize your own theme — then a do-it-yourself solution might be a viable option. If not, consider hiring a freelancer who can lend a hand with some of those more technical aspects of site development. It’s also worth mentioning that different CMSes will have different rules about what code is acceptable.
Who needs eCommerce store?
Everyone from brand new entrepreneurs to seasoned business owners. Creating a Shopify store is one of the easiest ways to get an online shop up and running quickly. In addition, if you’re having trouble getting customers through your door, selling products online opens up a ton of options for you (and some pretty decent margins too). A Shopify store is not only a great way to start earning money with your passion, it’s also a highly valuable learning experience that will help take you towards creating and growing other ventures in your business down the road. That said, creating an online store isn’t exactly easy – it takes time, research and dedication – so there are definitely easier ways to make money right off the bat.
Are people willing to pay for it?
Before you start building your website, make sure there’s a demand for what you plan to sell. Look at similar products in your category and see how well they’re selling—you can find out by checking their best sellers rank on Amazon. The best-selling products in a category have rankings of 1,000 or less and are often ranked among its top 10 items. Once you determine that it’s possible to earn money from a product, it’s time to decide whether it’s worth investing your time into making an online store or not.

As you can see, creating an eCommerce store is simple. Once you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to start your online business. But, there are quite a few details that go into running a successful online business. If you’ve never started an online store before, then it’s a good idea to learn from others who have. Find the types of niches that interest you and start your own Ecom business today!
Read our blog – The Best Way To Start A Very Profitable Ecommerce Platform