The Library of Alexandria and its’ collection were destroyed by fire. The original manuscript of Thomas Carlyle’s great work The French Revolution was destroyed by a servant of the historian’s friend throwing it in the fireplace. ebooks are ageless. They do not burn, go moldy, become brittle, decay, or fall apart. With ebooks, you can ensure that literature will be preserved. ebooks are good from an environmental perspective. ebooks save trees. ebooks help reduce the effects of book disposal and landfill. ebooks reduce transport costs and the effects of transporting books from place to place on the environment. Ebooks contribute to the preservation of books.

Ebooks are posted online to facilitate the exchange of ideas, proposals, and corrective feedback by reducing the number of errors and improving accuracy, which is of particular importance in science and technology issues. E-books enable publishers to publish (and readers to read) works by a more significant number of authors and on a wider range of subjects. Traditional publishing critics say that traditional publishers have reduced and limited the number of authors and the number of issues to be published for financial reasons.

Right to Read saved by eBooks

Ebooks defy censorship. All of the following books were banned: Analects by Confucius. Lysistrata by Aristophanes. Ars Amorata by Ovid. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio by John Milton. The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne. Wonder Stories by H.C. Andersen. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Ulysses by James Joyce. Many of these works were seized, burned, or their distribution in libraries, book shops, and schools prohibited. Thanks to ebooks it is guaranteed that readers maintain their right to read.

Ebooks are evolving. With improvements in technology ebooks may contain new features. Cookery books could for example contain recipe calculators which could tell you how much syrup is needed to bake 200 cookies. Examination preparation ebooks could include interactive tests. An ebook about politics might contain a link that would allow the reader to send an email message to a member of parliament telling him to sharpen up his environmental policies.

Ebooks are good for paperback publishing. By setting an example for diversity and freedom of expression, e-books may motivate the stagnant book publishing industry towards the renewal of small presses, the end of the blockbuster-bestseller publishing mentality, and a healthier balance between the needs of commerce and culture. Ebooks are posted online to facilitate the exchange of ideas, proposals, and corrective feedback by reducing the number of errors and improving accuracy, which is of particular importance in science and technology issues.

Ebooks enable publishers to publish (and readers to read) works by a more significant number of authors and on a wider range of subjects. Traditional publishing critics say that traditional publishers have reduced and limited the number of authors and the number of issues to be published for financial reasons.

eBooks in India

It was in 2012 that the first e-reader made an appearance in India. It was welcomed with some enthusiasm but much skepticism. Indians love the smell of paper, the feel of a book, and the pleasure of reading curled up in bed with a cup of coffee. This cold electronic steel and chrome contraption was no match to the romantic world of words, the naysayers felt. The story turned out a little different though. Today, all major publishers have converted their list to e-books. Kindle is seeing double-digit growth and its growth momentum picked up even more when it started offering content in Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, and Gujarati.